Sunday, September 16, 2012

7 tips to help your child develop a positive self-image

Try these 7 tips to promote optimism and flexibility in making your child's weight:
1) Believe in your children. Assure your children that you are on his side. Then expected to be the best person they can be, although you do not expect to be the best at everything is not fine.

2) Find other adults who believe in your children. Teachers can, aunts, uncles, neighbors and friends to help make positive changes in your child is overweight. Can other adults who can be seen beyond the weight and I also believe in helping your child your child control over their lives.

3) Encourage your children to stay in the activities concerned. Let them know that their interests are valuable and deserve to be placed, whatever.

4) celebrate the experiences of your children and help them win graciously accept defeat. Let your child know that you appreciate their efforts and positive attitude win or lose. A positive attitude and effort is more important than winning.

5) encourage talks optimistic about the future. Suppose they go to college and thinking about good jobs. Tell your child that you think they are capable of.

6) Be a model of perseverance. Make sure your children hear you say that some of the difficult tasks, but it was not a defeatist.

7) facilitate family fun and laughter. A family that can joke and laugh and lighten their day with humor helps prevent negative voltages.

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