Sunday, September 16, 2012

7 tips on how to not let the stress affect your weight

Tension affecting your weight loss battle?
Added stress caused by diet to private and professional life stresses that we face every day, often resulting in the "vicious cycle" of rising tensions and food consumption of the population. People under stress tend to engage in self-destructive behaviors and unhealthy binge eating as there is strong evidence of biological stressed people may tend to put on pounds faster. "I'm stressed, therefore I eat." Many people complain that they overeat in the workplace or a personal response to the pressure. If this sounds like you, read the following tips for managing stress to overeating to help you check this unhealthy habit.

1. Year wait. Postpone immediate gratification you have a hunger strike when. You think you have to wait 10-30 minutes to eat. Chances are good if you're not just stress cravings, and they disappear when you allow yourself to be distracted.

2. Keep a food diary of what you eat every day. Knowing that you need to write every snack or nibble a good way to remind yourself to think before eating.

3. Mobilized to help a friend - it is ideal that are attracted cravings related to stress. When you want to eat, and write him / her a note or make a phone call.

4. Stay nourished. Eat regular healthy snacks to keep your energy level. Skipping meals while demanding pressure and unhealthy eating more, and when you do not get to eat there.

5. Add reminder messages wherever you're likely to see when stress-related cravings begin. Use any message that works for you. May be examples of "Are you really hungry?" Or "Think about what you eat."

6. Physically remove tempting food to your home or office. Do not go shopping when you're hungry and always make a list before food shopping, bring home only what you feel good eating.

7. Take time for yourself every day. It's 10 minutes to reflect and relax, or if this activity fun that energize you, it is very important to do. Health is not only physical and mental well-being is just as important, you deserve to get rid of daily stress mentally!

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